
in style造句,traffic accident造句

be full of造句 2023-12-29 11:49 915 墨鱼
be full of造句

in style造句,traffic accident造句

in style基本释义in style 英[in stail] 美[ɪn staɪl] 流行,时髦;华丽,气派姓名分析宝宝起名您的姓名男女出生日期出生时间立即测名in组词造句a bird in the h英[in stail] 美[ɪn staɪl] 别具风格地,时髦地,很成功地参考例句:1. You can make your graphs look as you want them to in respect of color, background, pattern, s

in style的意思英[in stail] 美[n stal] 别具风格地,时髦地,很成功地参考例句:1.You can make your graphs look as you want them to in respect of color,background,patin style:流行例句与用法:1.Her clothes are always in style.她的衣服总是很时髦.2.Let's eat in style.我们吃得考究一点吧.3.She dresses in style.她穿着很

4、But to live in the moment is alreadyin style. 5、They are rich in content and variedin style. 6、Royal blue: Tweed suits arein stylefor both wome62.what a an style="color:#C03">bout an> it (a:I've got a new CD.b:what a anstyle="color:#C03">bout an> it?)a: 我又弄拉一盘CD 。B:那CD怎么样?-- 来源-- 网友提供

InStyle造句1、Her photographs have appeared inInStyle, People, and Martha Stewart Weddings. 2、InStylehas a handful of ways to help prevent red wiBoth love doing things in style 两人行事都讲究风度。5 She bobbed her hair to be in style.她把头发剪成时兴的短发。6 As you can see, each of Xishuang Bann


标签: traffic accident造句



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