
scared的用法和例句,be scared

Scared造句 2023-12-05 18:04 365 墨鱼

scared的用法和例句,be scared

双语例句1. I'mscaredof the dark. I'm a big chicken. 我怕黑,是个十足的胆小鬼。来自柯林斯例句2. I wasscaredstiff when I realized what I'ddone. 当我意识到自己的所作所为时,我吓坏了。1、Scared Stiff:小生梦惊魂;揪心扒肝;吓坏的。2、too scared:太害怕;太恐怖了。3、Dead Scared:极度恐惧。4

1、Werenˈt you just a weeny bit scared? 难道你就一点儿都不害怕吗?来源:**【点此进妙词帮小程序】查看更多真题例句回到顶部点击反馈超级单词本请用微信扫描二维码例如:I am scared of spiders.(我害怕蜘蛛。•scared还可以表示“担心”的意思。例如:She is scared that she won’t pass the test.(她担心自己考试不及格。frightened

˙△˙ scared:受惊吓的,害怕的,提心吊胆的。be scared at/by s.th 受到……的惊吓,被……吓到。be scared to do s.th 害怕去做什么事be scared that + 从句提心吊胆英文例句:1. She is scared of heights and refuses to go on roller coasters. 她害怕高处,拒绝坐过山车。2. He was too scared to ask for help. 他太害怕

双语例句全部恐惧的惊恐的1. She is scared of going out alone. 她不敢一个人外出。来自牛津词典2. He's scared of heights. 他有恐高症。来自牛津词典3. People ar- The dog looks scared.(这只狗看起来很害怕) - He was scared by the sudden noise.(突然的噪音吓到了他) 二级段落标题2:表示不愿意或犹豫的用法除了表达恐惧和害怕,scar


标签: be scared



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