

pass the time造句 2023-11-22 17:54 299 墨鱼
pass the time造句


例句与造句the silence in the hall was awesome . 会场是一片沉寂,静得有些令人生畏。they were awesome weapons . 它们曾是令人畏惧的武器。the aurora is one of nat1. His new car is simply awesome! 2. Her painting skills are awesome! 3. The view from the top of the mountain was awesome. 4. The dancers' performance was awesom

have you ever taken a really, really awesome trip,john? john,你有没有非常棒的旅行经历?b: yeah. i've been on a lot of awesome trips but i didn't kno11、于是“awesome”应运而生。12、The silence in the hall wasawesome. 13、Credit CARDS give meawesomerewards. 14、Punxsutawney Phil has anawesomeful

She's awesome.她好赞啊Awesome!I'm in.真好,我也想去It was awesome.那非常的赞You're awesome.你太好了And I'm awesome.我才华横溢Izzie's awesome.伊兹很棒No, I'm Of course I knew he had some magical ability, but I didn't think he could make such an awesome object. He added the seat and the pedals(踏板) so tha

awesome / +/ 惊叹→有点儿厉害→令人敬畏的英[ˈɔːsəm] 考点解读托福雅思剑雅词频:2 awesome 常考释义adj. 令人敬畏的雅思常考例句Yes, I have and each time I’m strucawesome 常用词汇英['ɔːsəm]美['ɔːsəm] adj.可怕的;表示敬畏的;了不起的;精彩的,绝妙的Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计可怕



标签: 用we和our造句



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