

我的大学生活英语作文带翻译 2023-11-23 20:22 455 墨鱼


翻译题1.这是我平生第一次独自出行。it's my first time to)2.旅行有助于开拓视野。broaden one's horizons)3.大学生Give you some advice about your going to Hangzhou by train alone.

╯^╰ 以下是关于独自旅行的好处和坏处的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone 中文翻译:乘着风徘徊在蓝天可是,如果你是突然得了空闲,一时又找不到旅伴,那何不趁机背上行囊独自出行呢?2. Work on your bucket list 实现愿望清单Is there something you’ve been dyi

∩▂∩ 独自在家英语作文带翻译1home alone Tonight,my father and mother went out and I was at home alone. At first, I was excited and frightened,because this was the first time翻译结果(英语)1: Swimming is good for health, but unsafe in some places not alone in rivers and swimming should be a family member or friend to accompany. Ready t

a我们出行应该尽量选择坐公共交通工具We go on a journey should choose as far as possible sit the mass transit tool [translate] 英语翻译日语翻译韩语翻译德语翻译★以下是®无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《大学英语写作范文带翻译-应该独自作出决定吗》供大家参考。更多内容请看本站写作翻译频道Important decis

在此强烈!建议大家出行前在国内复印备份以下(最好有电子版),分开携带:①护照复印件(住店或者租车登记的时候护照复印件也能用得上~)。②签证复印件③身份证复印件页面问:如果护告诉朋友独自在家的建议英语作文Remember these points if you are yourself at home: 1、Door and Windows are closed.When you are at home,always remember to lock the


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