
check up造句,take it easy造句

be seated造句 2023-10-01 17:49 670 墨鱼
be seated造句

check up造句,take it easy造句

check-up 显示所有例句n. 1. 检查;尤指)体格检查an examination of sth, especially a medical one to make sure that you are healthy 释义:全部,检查,体格检查,体检,核单词check up 例句大全,用单词check up造句:Let mecheck up. 让我查对一下。Let me check it up. 让我来查对一下。Pleasecheck upthe data. 请核对一下这些数据。I willc

checkup造句1、Safe checkup of constructive plan of bridge cable rope大桥缆索吊施工方案安全检算2、have a joint checkup on the blue prints for a project会审施工图21、Are you looking for a generalcheckupto make sure you and your family is properly insured and has an estate plan that's adequate? 22、If only one

check造句类型英语造句1、check the terms of the policy before you sign.(仔细阅读保险单的条款后再签字。2、Can I have thecheck, please?(请把账单给我好吗? 3、The fcheck-up英语造句,1、Never check-up on your health.从不关心自己的健康。2、Annual physical check-up could help keep healthy conditi

you are doing a video check-up by watching your chest rise and fall. If you can't check 基本步骤:认识26个字母【26 alphabets】>学习48个音标【48 phonemes】> 5W1H提问起始单词-->了解最基本的主语+动词+名词组合--> 背单词(按场景分类,生活常用的动名词)+ 连词造句


标签: take it easy造句



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