
finger play儿歌,手指英文歌finger play

数字动物和指令的儿歌 2023-09-30 19:58 636 墨鱼

finger play儿歌,手指英文歌finger play

54 - One Elephant Went Out to Play 119 6年前52 - Reach for the Sky 142 6年前49 - The Mullberry Bush 153 6年前48 - One Finger, One Thumb 291 6年前47 - Pop! Goe欢迎收听蜻蜓FM英语儿歌启蒙英语专辑下的音频节目儿童歌曲-Rock Scissors Paper Finger Play (石头剪刀布),主播:。在这里“儿童歌曲-Rock Scissors Paper Finger Play (石头剪刀布)

1、Finger play one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua (两只手各出示一只手指,变成一个牙刷的样子,在嘴边上下刷动) Two finger, t6、finger play one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua (两只手各出示一只手指,变成一个牙刷的样子,在嘴边上下刷动)

⊙ω⊙ 听儿歌,玩手指~ 打开APP,完整收听节目(40) 01 - Eentsy Weentsy Spider 02 - Mother's Knives and Forks 03 - Here is the Beehive 04 - Clap Your Hands 05 Play with me. 一起玩Right hand ROCK! 右手石头!Left hand scissors! 左手剪刀!It’s a snail! 它是一只蜗牛Rock scissors paper. 石头剪刀布Rock scissors paper. 石头剪刀布

哈利儿歌- finger plays 词:哈利唱儿歌曲:哈利唱儿歌Doo-bi-doo-ba Play with numbers Doo-bi-doo-ba Play with numbers One uh-huh Let's think about it Two uh-huh Um scissors One, two, three. Play with me.Right hand ROCK! Left hand ROCK!(playful music) [Place your fists in front of your nose and make a long nose like Pinocchio.]It’s P

Play with me. Right hand ROCK! Left hand ROCK! (playful music) [Place your fists in front of your nose and make a long nose like Pinocchio.] It’s PINOCCHIO! [Make your 《Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay 2》是欧美经典儿歌《SuperSimpleSongs》中的一首。小朋友,玩过石头剪刀布的手指游戏吗?是不是很好玩?这首儿歌唱的就是这个


标签: 手指英文歌finger play



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