

to do和doing的区别 2023-09-17 18:14 475 墨鱼
to do和doing的区别


34. put off doing sth推迟做某事35. succeed in doing sth成功做某事36. end up doing以做某事完成37. give up doing放弃做某事二.含有不带to的动词不定式句型:1. had 很多老师上课时都是这么讲的:stop to do 表示停下原来的动作去作另一个动作,stop doing表示停止正在

C. Doing his homework. 6. Which dress is the most expensive? A. The red one. B. The blue one. C. The yellow one. 7. What will the girl do tomorrow? (2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事(3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。4)be afraid + that从句,恐怕。5)为某件

+▽+ 不是watch sb do sth 强调看到全过程或经常性行为?小红薯5F01F15C : 我感觉是少打了一个过字E姐: 他(她)的意思是watch是感观动词,不能加to do而用do Empty nuts 2021-01-03 回复used to do sth/ be used to doing sth/ be used to do sth/ would Ⅰ. Used to do sth.“过去常常做某事”(现在不做了),只用于过去时态。如:① He used to get up early.过去他常

3. be good at doing sth.=do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事7. a limatch …with…把…和…搭配起来建议:1.why don't you do sth?=why not do sth? 2.How about doing sth?=what about doing sth? 3.You should /can do sth. 4


标签: todo与doing动词大全



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