

meanwhile的中文意思 2023-12-21 23:15 290 墨鱼


英文meanwhile翻译,英语词典提供meanwhile的意思详细解释、meanwhile中英文对照翻译、的用法例句,包话相关短语用法,例句说明等信息来自辞典例句7. You in the meanwhile will be taking a trip into China, I suppose. 我想,一会儿你要上路去中国吧. 来自辞典例句8. In the meanwhile the air is fillin

∩0∩ meanwhile的用法例句:1. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water. 同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。2. The media例句:Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away. 其时,时间一分一分地过去。Eve was cutting the grass, and meanwhile Adam was planting roses. 夏娃在剪草,亚当种玫瑰。

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 二、meanwhile用作副词的用法例句Father was cutting the grass, and meanwhile mother was planting roses.父亲在剪草,母亲在种玫瑰。Meanwhile, my debts were mounting 英文例句大全为您提供meanwhile英文例句大全,词语meanwhile造句,关于meanwhile的句子,meanwhile怎么造句,meanwhile英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于meanwhile,meanwhile的

?^? meanwhile英[ˈmi:nwaɪl]美[ˈminˌhwaɪl, -ˌwaɪl] meanwhile 基本解释副词同时,其间名词其时,其间meanwhile meanwhile 相关例句副词14. Body is the most important component to suppo11. Meanwhile the Duchess was getting into her stride. 与此同时公爵夫人开始高谈阔论起来。12. Meanwhile I continued to contend with raising my own kids. 与此同时

⊙▂⊙ Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water. 同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。柯林斯例句The media,meanwhile,meanwhile 常考释义adv. 与此同时雅思常考例句Meanwhile, we were doing our own observations in selected gardens throughout the city. 同时,我们在整个城市中选出的花园里做


标签: moreover例句



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