

portray造句 2023-12-22 12:27 177 墨鱼


misery造句1、Moremisery, Hester! - only the moremisery! 2、Crying, sadness,misery. 3、A classic of impoverishedmisery! 4、All hermiseryhad disappearIt's difficult to find misery in a sentence. 用misery造句挺难的Le sixième album, Misery is a Butterfly, sorti sur le label mythique 4AD, confirme ce changement

(#`′)凸 11、Themiseryhe had was a longing for home. 12、I felt like I was trapped inmiseryand unhappiness. 13、Live every day, and live all the days ofmisery2、The dreadful secret of the murder was a chronicmisery.(那起可怕的谋杀案的秘密使人长期苦恼。3、He was so homesick that he could hardly endure themiseryof it.(

(=`′=) 用misery造句用misery造句1. After losing his job, John fell into a state of misery and depression. 2. The constant rain and gloomy weather added to the misery of 1. cover 封面主要包含内容:—5个标题(右上角)—一般有3个标题来自Leaders 社论版块,其余标

单词Misery 例句大全,用单词Misery造句:Deep distress ormisery, as from griefwretchedness. 悲惨或悲哀深深的痛苦或苦恼,如因悲伤不幸woe means deep distress ormisery,n. to make sb's life a misery:使某人的日子不好过收起简明例句I would really like living here if it wasn't for the gangs of kids who make our live


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