
do more exercise造句简单,how do you get to造句

do more exercise 2023-02-21 22:18 722 墨鱼
do more exercise

do more exercise造句简单,how do you get to造句

≥^≤ 5、试着多做些运动Try to do more sports;Try to do more exercise. 造句:1、大多数人在渴的时候才喝水,但他们常常需要更多的水,尤其在做运动的时候。Most pYou need to do more exercise if you want to be physically fit如果你想身体健康

用do more exercise造句

do exercise造句1、You can exercise (do exercise) or play volleyball there. 2、You cando exerciseto lose weight. 3、Schedule time out todo exercisea“做运动”的英语有几种表达方式:do sports,take exercise,do exercise,play sports。短语有:5、试着多做些运动Try to do more sports;Try to do more exerc

do exercises造句

Do morning exercises and eye exercises. 做早操和眼保健操。Frosh are supposed todo morning exercises every day. 新生每天都要做早操。英文例句大全为您提供do morninFollow me,let us do some exercise. 意思是:跟着我,大家一起来做运动。四、do some exercise是什么意思do some exercise:做锻炼做运动造句如下:Let' do so

domorning exercises造句

≥ω≤ Do exercises and have contrasting baths. 您要活动,而且用冷热交替法洗浴。Most people whodo exerciseto lose their beer belly usually only work on belly exercises解析I.(答案不唯一,供参考)1. You should do more exercise to be healthy.2. He is always nice to others.3. You should take a deep breath if you're angry. 反馈收藏

domorning exercise怎么造句

您好!可以造为:You should do more exercise if you want to be more strong.你需要做更多锻炼,如果你想变更加强壮。望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!I,用所给的短语造句。1. do more exercise2. be nice to3. take a deep breath 相关知识点:解析I。答案不唯一,供参考)1 Youshoudo mo es obeeay.2 Hesalyscooes3 Youshu k


标签: how do you get to造句



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