

用joke造句 2023-08-25 20:03 323 墨鱼


might造句1、Organize your day to avoid any setbacks that might ignite temper flare-ups.好好地计划一下以避免受到挫折时会大发脾气。2、It might be necessary to convif someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned.如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。2.用作肯定句,might可以用以抒发一种像深入细致、客气的埋怨或批评。

(1)Might she have left already? (2)Might he have forgotten our appointment? (3)Might they have made a mistake? 总而言之,Might可以被用作非常宽泛的用法,从表示可能性Might is power or strength. e.g. The might of the army could prove a decisive factor. 军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。2. 全力以赴;竭尽全力If you d

1、Thismightbe depressing. 2、It's beyond yourmight. 3、Hemightbe ill. 4、Youmightbe right. 5、Itmightsurprise you. 6、Theymightbefriend us. Theymig1、Thismight bedepressing. 2、Thatmight begood. 3、Hemight beill. 4、Thismight begreat! 5、Youmight beright. 6、My rabbitmight bethere! 7、Brenda: Y

might造句复制1、I was scared that Imightbe sick.(我担心我可能病了。2、Bring a coat. Itmightturn chilly later.(带件大衣,过一会儿天气可能会变冷。3、Imighttake单词Might 例句大全,用单词Might造句:Aah, that's not so bad, Walden thought. That wemightbe able to manage. 啊,这还不错,沃尔登想,这一点我们也许能够办到。A meal

he might call me yesterday,but i could not make it sure。他可能打电话给我了昨天,但是我不太确定。It is directed by JackSmight, with an ensemble cast that includes Robert Wagner, Arthur Hill. It's difficult to findsmightin a sentence. 用smight造句挺难的JackSm


标签: 用could虚拟语气造句



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