
makingmess,make from

make a mess的意思 2023-12-07 12:12 665 墨鱼
make a mess的意思

makingmess,make from

But,outsideGermanyandSwitzerland,Europe'sfreightrailservicesareafragmented,lossmakingmess. 但除德国和瑞士以外,欧洲国家的货运铁路服务就只能称得上是一盘散沙,各立山Naughty Hyperactive Children Characters Fighting on Pillows. Girl and Boy Sister and Brother Playing, Making Mess in Room. Kids Fooling and Fight, Game, Quarrel. Cartoon People Vecto

about 2" wide. If you mess up, you have the rest of the bread to use. In the end, you should end up with six pieces —two sets of three pieces for the two petit fours shown in this But , outside germany and switzerland , europe 's freight rail services are a fragmented , lossmaking mess . 但是德国和瑞士以外的其它欧洲国家,货运铁路服务就只能算

˙ω˙ making mess.. 翻译原文(英语): making mess更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 使混乱更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)2: 制造混乱更多:httpsMaking a Mess - Royal Hunt I was raised in a faraway land Tryin' to be number one Dad used to tell me Whatever you do Never let go 'till you're done I was fightin

making mess发音意思翻译制造混乱相似词语短语making───n.发展;制造;形成;v.制作(make的现在分词) less mess───更少的混乱my mess───我的烂摊子a mess──Amazon US has Japanese books, but the selection is a mess, and all the titles are in romaji, making it a big useless pile of nonsense words to me. I don’t do rom


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