
succeed in doing造句,succeed后接动词什么形式

succeed的用法 2023-12-30 20:39 153 墨鱼

succeed in doing造句,succeed后接动词什么形式

5. succeed (in) doing sth. 成功做某事He succeeded in saving the kid. 他成功救出了这个孩子。6. finish doing sth. 做完某事Could you help me with my homework after I fin答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报She succeeded in inventing the new machine. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题22,succeed in

Succeed in doing造句

ˇ▂ˇ succeed in doing sth 造句优质解答She succeeded in inventing the new machine.优质答案解析王老师回答题目:2621条看完仍有疑问?有类似问题直接问老师54. spend some time (in)doing sth /on sth 花费时间做某事(注意动词要用ing形式)(常考) I spent 2 hours on homework. = I spent 2 hours in doing homework. spend some money o

succeed in doing造句简单

succeedindoingsomething造句有:1.I finally succeeded in finishing my thesis on time.(我终于成功地按时完成了论文。2.After many attempts, she finally succeeded insucceed in doing sth造句简单,succeed in doing sth相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、She succeeded in inventing the new machine.。本

succeed in doingsth造句

成功做某事;成功地做成某事;成功的做了某事;成功作某事2To succeed in doing 成功地完成3succeed in doing something 做成;成功的做成某件事4succeed in doing sth 成功地1. 成功做某事外研版九年级英语下册短语、重点句子和语法put on 穿上,上演succeed in doingsth成功做某事fail to do 做不成某事5ykj|基于216个网页2. 做

succeeded in doing sth造句

˙﹏˙ 1 succeed in doing sth造句如下:1、At last he succeeded in performing his task.最后他成功地执行了他的任务。2、They won’t succeed in getting what they want.他们不会得到With the fortune his father left him,he succeeded in marrying the social butterfly.有父亲留给他的雄厚财产,他成功地娶到了那个交际花。


标签: succeed后接动词什么形式



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