
用be supposed to造句,用be support to造句

be supposed to的用法 2022-12-26 10:45 988 墨鱼
be supposed to的用法

用be supposed to造句,用be support to造句

be supposed to其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形.当be supposed to的主语是“人”时,意为“应该…”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议等。导读1.The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.(这座山据说是传说中的路德国王休息的地方。造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定

He was supposed to act as the marshal'saide. 他的职责是作指挥官的副官。Blakeman, a formeraideto President George W. 前布什总统助理巴拉德利。Miss Perkins is anai关于be supposed to do sth造句简单这个很多人还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、打字真累,满意请采纳:1.Are we supposed

用be supposed to造句【一】1 . 北京奥运会举办的非常成功,全世界人民都感到很满意。2 . 学习方法的正确与否,对于提高成绩水平有着重要的意义。3 . 掌握了正确的学习方法,便可收are supposed to do more sport to keep your health.你应该多做运动来保持健康。

Be supposed to

1、I was all that the most hardened, unthinking, wicked creature among our common sailors canbe supposed tobe. 2、It tells us tobe supposed tomaintaEvery year, we hold a familyceremonyin memory of ancestors, and every member of our family is supposed to attend. 每年家里都要家祭,人人都得参加。Theceremony, it


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