

add to用法例句 2023-09-24 13:18 738 墨鱼
add to用法例句


additive[ˈæditiv] 意思:adj. 添加的;附加的;[数]加法的n. 添加剂additive例句(自然匹配,仅供参考) 例句:Colour is often anadditivein foods . 翻译:颜料经常是各种食物中的添加物。例句This kind of additive can do harm to human health. 这种添加剂会危害人体健康。Excessive food additives are harmful. 过量的食品添加物是有害的。This additive

权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义additive 显示所有例句n. 1. (尤指食品的)添加剂,添加物a substance that is added in small amounts to sth, especially food, in order additive 双语例句1. All rubber compounds comply with FDA food additive regulations. 所有橡胶部件符合美国食品及药物管理局食品添加剂规定。2. The study discusses h

?﹏? 3.The research indicates that the critical additive volume of Pectin,CMC and PGA was 0.试验结果表明,3种稳定剂在控制酸乳饮稳定性的单一临界添加量分别为0。英文短句/This is an additive ingredient. 这是一种添加成分。The process of cultural development is additive. 文化发展是一个累积的过程。The effect of different additive on

例句用作名词(n.) Food additive can cause allergies. 食品添加剂可能引起过敏。Glycyrrhizin is a kind of food additive which has a bright future. 甘草素是一种很有在此句中additive表示加法的意思additive的用法例句Strict safety tests are carried out on food additives. 对食品添加剂进行了严格的安全检测。在此句中


标签: addition例句



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