

go+动词ing造句 2023-12-25 22:34 683 墨鱼


Go about your chores in a responsible way.请以负责的态度去做你的工作。go along 合作,配合They get along by going along.通过合作他们相处很好。扩展资(1)微笑微笑让人觉得有亲和力,觉得你自信活泼,在评分中占一定的比重!!!不要板着脸,尤其是小学

╯﹏╰ go造句1、Move it! Go,go,go! 2、Newtown school! Go,go,go! 3、Hey, don't give up! Gogogo. 4、Oh! Oh, quickly! Go,go,go! 5、Villagers:go,gothere quick用go 造句1.He fells that we should go. 他认为我们该走了。2.I let them go out lest I should be bothered. 我让他们去了外边,免得他们打扰我。3.He jollied her along

go造句复制1、Which way did theygo?(他们往哪边去了? 2、If I'vegot togosomewhere I may as wellgoto Tulsa.(如果我必须去一个地方的话,我就去塔尔萨吧。3、They ofte1.He fells that we should go.他认为我们该走了。2.I let them go out lest I should be bothered.我让他们去了外边,免得他们打扰我。3.He jollied her along un

Count to five! Go! One, two, three, go! Now you can all have a try. Go! One minute. Ready? Go! Onlyfive minutes. Go! I'll give two minutes. Go! Finish it in one minutego through 造句简单1. 我们需要go through 这些文件,找到其中的错误。2. 在进行面试之前,我们需要go through 每个应聘者的简历。3. 在发布之前,我们需要go through 这


标签: go英语句子



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