
say to和say for,say后跟什么句型

To say you文章 2023-12-12 13:22 174 墨鱼
To say you文章

say to和say for,say后跟什么句型

have nothing to say for oneself〔口语〕总是不开口;没话可说,一言不发。have something to say for oneself有要辩白的话。have something [nothing] to say to [with]要〔不〕对[和]…争辩,有话say before 在…面前说say for 替…说话say of 就…谈看法say to 对…说【作名词】allow say 保留发言权finish say 把话讲完final say 最后的决定权bigger say 更多

say hello say goodbye───打招呼说再见双语使用场景Well," she said eventually, "what have you to say for yourself?"───好了,”她最后说,“你有什么要为自己说的say的常用短语用作动词(v.) not to say say about( v.+prep. ) say after( v.+prep. ) say against( v.+prep. ) say for( v.+prep. ) say of( v.+prep. ) say on( v.+adv

"Let's say"is a folksy alternative to"imagine"or"suppose." "Let's sayyou could attract five times more people to your website." Best For: “Let’s say…”is most ofteBritish Dictionary definitions for say (1 of 2) say1 /(seɪ)/ verbsays(sɛz),sayingorsaid(mainly tr) to speak, pronounce, or utter (also intr)to express (an idea) in words; tell:we a

ˇ△ˇ (这里的介词for 是为了的意思;黑体部分是状语,不是短语say for 替说话)Go and say "bye bye" to your teachers. 去和你的老师说“再见”。介词to意思是The meaning of SAY FOR is —used with words such as something, little, a lot, etc., to show that someone or something does or does not deserve to be praised, admi

say的用法,有say for的用法吗?say say[s?;s?i](said[(重读)s[d;sed;(轻读)d;d])(says[(重读)s[z;sez;(轻读)z;z])及物动词1 说a.[对人]说…对人]说[to]Whatsay before 在…面前说say for 替…说话say of 就…谈看法say to 对…说【作名词】allow say 保留发言权finish say 把话讲完final say 最后的决定权bigger say 更多的发言


标签: say后跟什么句型



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