
用have done造句,even though造句

less than造句 2023-11-30 01:57 477 墨鱼
less than造句

用have done造句,even though造句

1. I have done my homework, so I can relax now. 我已经做完了作业,所以现在可以放松了。2. She has done a great job on this project. 她在这个项目上做得非常出色。3be a member of the English club since two months ago.My uncle have been to Beijing.I have

≥0≤ 3 Their authorities have done 他们的政府已经做了;4,He could have done anything to 为了……他能做任何事情;5,Everyone have done the用have+done造句.5句优质解答He has gone to school.I have finished my homework.She has be a member of the English club since two months ago.My uncl

肯定:1.I have done my homework. 2.I have done shopping for two hours. 3.They have done sports since thirty minutes ago. 4.We have done housework to h2.I have done shopping for two hours. 3.They have done sports since thirty minutes ago. 4.We have done housework to help our parents. 5.I have done exercises for

>▽< 用have done造句子合集could have done用法could have done 用法Tom could have taken the money; he was here alone yesterday. We knew he couldn’t have paid for it,He has gone to school.I have finished my homework.She has be a member of the English club since two months ago.My uncle have been to Beijing.I have


标签: even though造句



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