

comforting造句 2023-09-24 13:58 244 墨鱼


⊙▽⊙ comfort 双语例句1. To deal with the use of both sides of the face, the left side are concave thumb position, the use of anti-network design, the right side to suadj.+n. great comfort,cold comfort,spiritual comfort,physical comfort 英汉英英网络释义n. 1. 舒适,愉快2. 安慰3. 安慰的东西,慰劳品;安慰者4. (现代化)生活舒适用

单词Comfort 例句大全,用单词Comfort造句:Bcomforts and helps A by giving some advices and suggesting some good ways for learning. 是啊,帮助了安慰给一些建议,提出..fort for (v.+prep.) comfort with (v.+prep.) comfort的用法例句:1. He began to comfort me with such unaccustomedgentleness. 他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。2. Th

comfort的过去式例句:1. The weeping family hugged and comforted each other. 哭泣着的一家人相互拥抱并彼此安慰。2. She comforted herself that her husband would be 1、Every woman's personal comfort zone is different.每个女性的个人舒适带是不同的。2、I never dreamt that I would spend my old age in such comfort and happiness.

≥﹏≤ 【例句】The temperature was too low for comfort. 气温低得令人不舒服。【例句】I dress for comfort, not fashion. 我穿衣服只讲舒服,不追求时髦。【例句】Alan was 例句:gave comfort to the enemy.对敌人给予安慰One that brings or provides comfort.带来或提供安慰的人The capacity to give physical ease and well-being:能给予舒适之

1、Comfort,comfortmy people, says your God. 2、acousticcomfortindex (ACI) 3、commutecomfortfor hardship 4、vibration limit forcomfort 5、administer 6、I was lost without her, but the sofa gave me thecomfort.(没有她我不知所措,但沙发给了我安慰。7、They will be able to take somecomfortfrom inflation figures du


标签: comfort词组



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