

sleepy造句 2023-08-30 16:26 696 墨鱼


表达成功可以用一个比较简单的短语make it big 来表示,它还可以表示成名或在经济上很成功,相当于become famous 或become successful。这个短语的结构是makIt's difficult to findrapidly successfulin a sentence. 用rapidly successful造句挺难的The Franks wererapidly successful, killing Alaric in the Battle of Vouill?an

be successful to do sth造句1.要想成功地做好一件事情,必须付出足够的努力和时间。2.如果你想成功地做好这个项目,就必须要有一个清晰的计划和团队合作精神。3.我们必须要successful造句1、But it, too, helps propel the genes of the successful into future generations.但是购物也有助于推动成功基因流传给子孙后代。2、She was successful

successful造句:1、The meeting will be successful. 这次会议将会成功。2、The movie Beauty and the Beast was very successful. 电影《美女与野兽》非常成功。3、He wa1、Kolchak's fleet wassuccessful atsinking Turkish colliers. 2、The film was enormouslysuccessful atthe box office. 3、A vice President who wassucce

推荐:东西南北执法无私产假计算器网名生成宝宝起名工具主页>造句>英语造句> successful造句,successful例句1、She was asuccessfulnovelist、她是一个有成就的小说家。2successful造句如下:1、For a successful class humour is indispensable.要在课堂上取得成功,幽默是必不可少的。2、Taken altogether, this TV play was succes

18、Everysuccessfulperson is highly disciplined. 19、I love success, I admiresuccessfulpeople, and I want to be an extremelysuccessfulentrepreneur. successful造句1、Godfrey had the makings of asuccessful journalist.(戈弗雷具备一个成功记者的素质。2、We have had asuccessful year, both collectively and individually.(我们这一年干


标签: happen造句



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