

一群群小鸡造句 2024-01-08 23:42 353 墨鱼


6、chickenwith black bean 7、Stewedchickenand mushroom 8、chickenin casserole | slicedchickensoup in earthenware pot 9、If you stewchicken, remove t1、I'm scared of the dark. I'm a big chicken. 我怕黑,是个十足的胆小鬼。2、The chicken young man dared not stay in the room alone. 这个胆小的年轻人不敢独自呆在房

单词Chicken 例句大全,用单词Chicken造句:Thechickenwas wrapped in a plastic film. 鸡肉用塑料薄膜包起来了。There's somechickensoup if you want. 你想要的话,还有点儿1、The priest sacrificed a chicken.牧师献祭了一只鸡。2、The chicken was only half cooked.鸡只煮了半熟。3、An

⊙0⊙ 用looklike造句子简单1. The new employee looks like he'll fit in well with the team. 2. That statue looks like it's made of marble. 3. Your handwriting looks like12、Put thechickenin the oven when the timer goes off.(当定时器响起时,把鸡肉放入烤炉。13、Andrew began to carve thechicken.(安德鲁动手切鸡肉。14、She spooned

(2)不要随便搞个模板一背:用错方法找个万能模板一背,没有过就开始责怪是不是自己不如别人,其实造句:1.We need some meat, chicken and fish. 我们需要一些肉,鸡肉和鱼。2.Our bodies need some meat, chicken and fish. 我们的身体需要一些肉,鸡肉和鱼。3.In outbreaks ar

用hen,pig,seem造句网友解答:The hen seems to eat something happily,which looks like a pig.用pig,chicken,picture,with造句网友解答:This is a pig That is a chicken It is a 8.My mother has an old family recipe for chicken soup that she loves to make. 我妈妈有一个古老的家族鸡汤食谱,她很喜欢做。9.The old bridge over the river is no lo


标签: 用policeman造句



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