

bore造句 2023-09-26 09:40 369 墨鱼


1.作实义动词,意为“敢、敢于”,句型dare to do sth。其中to可省略,即可以dare do sth。例句:I dare to do it. Dave doesn't dare to go there .David dares play with the big dare造句1."Dare you ask him ? No, I dare not ." 2.I dare not say. How dare she go? 3.You dare disobey your mother? 4.I dare say you are wrong. 5.I dare not go ag

用作实义动词时dare的词形变化为dares, dared, dared和daring;作“敢”解时含义为“勇敢”,指某人大胆、爱冒险,或因爱慕虚荣而甘冒失去生命或受到惩罚的危险而dare英语造句,1、I dare say you are wrong.我敢说你错了。2、I dare not go against it.我张某(人)不敢不同意。3、Today, only a handful dar

dare的用法大全:dare的用法1 : dare用作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,用do, does或did来构成否定句或疑问句。dare的用法2: dare作“敢”解时浦“勇敢”,含有大胆、鲁莽、爱冒险dare造句复制1、Most people hate him, but they don'tdareto say so, because he still rules the country.(大部分人都恨他只是不敢说出来,因为他仍统治着国家。好工具h

dare造句1、I dare you to jump into the river and swim across it! 2、I dare you to climb up that tall tree and touch the highest branch! 3、I dare you to stand up【篇一】dare的用法dare的用法1:dare用作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,用do, does或did来构成否定句或疑问句。dare的用法2:dare作“敢”解时,指“勇敢”,含有大胆、鲁莽、爱冒险

I didnt dare look at him. 我不敢看他。扩展资料He didn't dare look over the edge. 他不敢从边缘向下看。How dare you talk to me like that? 你竟敢这样英语一新题型有七选五、排序和标题对应;英语二是标题对应和多项对应,相对简单。翻译英语一是一篇文章挑出5 个最长最难的句子翻译,且文章多偏向学术性;英语二是一个小短文,难句


标签: sleepy造句简单



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